Sunday, March 27, 2011


This page provides a list of Filipino cuisine/food glossary, based on Doreen G. Fernandez's Palayok: Philippine Food Time, On Site, in the Pot.   Manila: Bookmark Inc., 2000.   Some definitions were expanded and/or modified.  Terms in italics are the corresponding scientific names of plants, fruits, vegetables, fish, animals.   Click on any of the letters on the left-side frame if you know the beginning letter of the cuisine/food terms in Tagalog/Filipino and you will be linked to the appropriate table. 
achuete, atswetebixa orellana, annato seed; also called lipstick plant
adoboa dish of meat, seafood or vegetables cooked in vinegar and spices
adobadocooked in vinegar and spices
agkud(Manobo) a liquor made from rice, corn, cassava or sorghum
alakthe generic Tagalog term for liquor or wine
alibangbangbauhinia malabarica, butterfly-shaped leaves from a tree used for souring
alimangomud crab
alimasagblue crab
alugbatibassela alba, Ceylon spinach
ampalayamomordica charantia, bittermelon or bitter gourd
anonasannona reticulata, custard apple, bullock heart
apawafer, also cone for ice cream
apahaplates calcarifer, silver sea bass
aratilesmuntingia calabura, a little cherry-like wild fruit
arroz caldorice gruel cooked with chicken, often flavored with kasubha
atisannona squamosa, sugar apple
ayungindatnia plumbea, silver perch
babaylanhigh priest/priestess in the native religion
bacalao (a la Vizcania)(Spanish) salted codfish cooked in the style of Biscayne
balbakwain Luzon, salted fish; in Mindanao, a meat stew
bag-o(Waray) tuba newly taken from the coconut
bagoongsalted, fermented fish or shrimp paste/sauce
bahal, bahalinafermented tuba weeks, months, or years old
bakuliophicephalus striatus, murray fingerling
balangaybalanghay, a sailboat with 12-16 rowers
balimbingaverrhoa carmbola, star fruit, carambola
balut sa puti
a fertilized duck's egg 16-19 days old, balut sa puti is still wrapped in white membrane and thus literally "wrapped in white", which is what the phrase means
banakfamily magulidae, mullet
bangusbangus.gif (9827 bytes)chanos chanos, milk fish     
baona food package from home taken to work or school
barilis(Davao Bisayan) neothunnus macropterus, yellowfin tuna
batsoya dish of pork internal organs in broth
batuangarcinia morella, a small sour green fruit with a large seed
bayahigh-grade rice wine (tapuy) from the Cordillera
bayabaspsidium guajava, guava
baye-baye(Ilonggo) a snack made of pinipig (young rice, pounded) and young coconut
bayawakmonitor lizard
beche-de-mer(French) sea slug, trepang, sea cucumber
betute(Pampango) a dish of stuffed frog
bia, biyafamily gobiidae, goby
bibingkaa rice cake often garnished with salted eggs and carabao (water buffalo) milk cheese
bignayantidesma bunius, Chinese laurel
binubudan(Ilokano) yeast for rice wine
binuro(Ilonggo) fish salted in layers
bodbod(Cebuano) glutinous rice cooked iwth coconut milk and wrapped in banana leaf
brazo de mercedesa meringue roll with an egg filling
buan-buanmegalops cyprinoides, tarpon
bukayoa sweet made from mature coconut
bulalokneecap; a dish of this and other beef bones and meats boiled with vegetables
bulalohanthe eateries that offer boiled bulalo
buñuelos de viento(Spanish) wind puff, a pastry served with syrup
burong isdafish fermented with rice
buwad(Cebuano) dried salted fish
cadera(Spanish) sirloin
caldero(Spanish) cooking pot
caldereta(Spanish) goat stew
callos con garbanzos(Spanish) tripe cooked with chick peas
camachillepithecellobium dulce, kamachille, Madras thorn fruit
camaron rebozado(Spanish) batter-fried shrimp, a Chinese dish
camoteipomoea batatas, sweet potato
canonigo(Spanish) a dessert of meringue with an egg-butter sauce
carajaya native frying pan with a rounded bottom, a wok
carinderia, karinderiaa low-priced eating place, often at roadsides or markets
champurradoa dish of rice cooked with chocolate
chicharroncrackling made from pork, beef, or carabao skin
chicochico.jpg (40008 bytes)manilkara zapote, a brown sweet fruit with black seeds
chorizo(Spanish) sausage
churros(Spanish) fluted breakfast crullers usually taken with chocolate
cocido(Spanish) a stew of mixed meats, sausages, and vegetables
dahon bawangthe leaves of the garlic plant, allium sativum
daingfish split open, salted, and dried
dalagophicephalus striatus, murrel
dayapcitrus aurantifolia, lime
de recado(Spanish) spiced; in the Philippines, it refers to spicy sausages
dikinthe woven rattan ring on which the round-bottomed palayok is set to stand
dilao, dilawcurcuma domestica, turmeric
dinuguan at putoa dish of blood stew with steamed rice cakes
duhatsyzygium kumini, Java plum
dulanga low table, formerly for dining
duriandurio zybethinus, a fruit with a strong smell
embutido(Spanish) a ground pork roll
ensaimada(Spanish) a brioche-like roll that is buttered, sugared, and cheese-sprinkled
escabeche(Spanish) fish cooked with vinegar, garlic, onions, and ginger
gabicolocasia esculenta, taro root
galletas(Spanish) very thin biscuits
gata'coconut milk
ginataancooked in coconut milk; the dishes so cooked
guisa, mag-guisato sauté
guisar(Spanish) to sautè
guyabanoguyabano.jpg (2823 bytes)annona muricata, soursop
halabosto steam shrimps or prawns in their own juice
halo-halohalohalo.jpg (39811 bytes)a mixture of sweetened beans and fruits topped with crushed ice or ice cream; a refresher served in a tall glass
hamonadoham-cured; usually referring to sausages
hapunansupper, dinner
hibesmall shrimps, peeled and dried
hipon at kasuyshrimps cooked with cashew nuts
hojaldres(Spanish) a thin pastry, sometimes of puff paste
humbaa dish of stewed pork
inday-inday(Ilonggo) a snack made of glutinous rice and coconut
inihawroasted, charcoal-broiled or grilled
inihaw na pangaroasted or charcoal-broiled jaw of yellowfin tuna
inumana drinking session
inumina drink (could be plain water, soda, beer, juice, wine) taken together with a meal
inun-unan(Cebuano) fish cooked in vinegar; in Tagalog, paksiw
jamon(Spanish) ham
jamon en dulce(Spnaish) ham cooked in and/or coated or glazed with sugar
jamonado(Spanish) ham-cured
kadyoscadjanus cadjan, pigeon pea
kaimito, caimitochrusophillum caimito, star apple
kakang gatacoconut cream
kakaninsnacks, light cakes, usually made of rice
kalamansi  kalamansi.jpg (18348 bytes)citrus madurensis, a small lime indigenous to the Philippines; also called Chinese orange, Panama orange
kalana clay stove for wood or charcoal fuel
kalkag(Ilonggo) tiny shrimps, lightly salted and dried
kamachillesee camachille
kamaru(Pampango) mole cricket
kamayaneating with hands instead of Western utensils (see comic strip below)
loveknots092501.gif (9272 bytes)
LOVEKNOTSmula sa Philippine Daily Inquirer Internet Edition, 25 September 2001
kamiasaverrhoa bijimbi, a small acidic fruit
kandulifamily ariidae, sea catfish
kangkongipomoea aquatica, swamp cabbage, also called potato vine
kaongthe fruit of a sugar palm
karipre-cooked food
kari-karia stew of ox tail/feet/tripe with vegetables and a sauce thickened with ground roasted peanuts and rice
karihanan eatery selling pre-cooked food
karinderiaan eatery selling pre-cooked food
kasimlean pork, picnic
kasubhathe dried stigmas of a plant, used for coloring and flavoring food; a kind of saffron
kasuyanacardium occidentale, cashew
katuraysesbania grandiflora, a white flower used in salads
kawaa vat used for cooking large amounts of food
kesong putiliterally "white cheese", a cottage cheese made of carabao's (water buffalo) milk
kinchayapium graveolens, Chinese celery
kinilawa dish of fish, seafood, meat or vegetables dressed with vinegar or lime juice, but not cooked over fire
kipinga rice wafer used for decoration in Lucban and other towns in Quezon
kolispisonia alba, lettuce tree, also called maluko in Tagalog
kulitisamarnthus viridis, slender amaranth
kundolbenicasa hispida, wax gourd
kutsayallium odorum, Chinese chives
kutsintaa little cake made of steamed mixture of sugar, rice, lye
lagundivitex negundo, a medicinal plant
laksoyliquor distilled form the sap of a nipa palm
lakubthe bamboo tube attacked to the coconut bud to catch the sap for tuba
lambanogliquor distilled from the sap of coconut palm
langkawasgalingale, galenggal
lanzoneslansium domesticum, a small fruit that grows in bunches, with translucent flesh in segments enclosing seeds
lapu-lapufamily serranidae, grouper
laswa(Ilonggo) a dish of mixed leafy, pod and fruit vegetables steamed with bagoong and dried shrimps
lawot-lawot(Waray) a dish of mixed leafy, pod, and fruit vegetables
leche flan(Spanish) milk custard; creme caramel
lechon, letson(Spanish) pig; in the Philippines, split-roasted pig
lechon manokchicken roasted on a split
lengua estofada(Spanish) stewed ox tongue
liempopork belly
lina(Ilonggo) newly-gathered tuba
lomiwide noodles in broth
lomo(Spanish) beef loin
longaniza(Spanish) long sausage
lugawrice porridge or gruel
lumpiaChinese-style eggroll; meat and/or vegetables wrapped in thin crepe
macapunosport coconut
mameng, mamingfamily labridae, wrasse
mamia dish of noodles, chicken or beef, and broth
manamis-namis(adjective) mildly sweet, not the sweetness of sugar but of freshness
marangartocarpus odoratissima, a large aromatic fruit containing segements each enclosing a seed
mazapan(Spanish) marzipan
mechado(Spanish) beef cooked with pork lardoons
menudoa stew dish of diced pork, chicken, sausage, potatoes, carrots, peas, and tomato sauce usually eaten with rice on the side
meriendaa mid-afternoon snack
merienda-cenaa late afternoon meal; an early supper or dinner
minorona snack of glutinous rice cooked with a streak of chocolate
misosoybean cake or mash
mole(Spanish) a Mexican dish of chicken cooked with peanuts
morisqueta tostada(Spanish) rice fried with vegetables and other condiments
munggophaseolus aureus, green mung bean
musangcivet cat
mustasabrassica juncea v. integrifola, mustard greens
nata de cocoa sweet made by growing a culture on coconut water
nilagaboiled; a dish of boiled beef, or pork, or chicken, and vegetables
paella(Spanish) a dish of rice cooked with meats and/or seafood and vegetables
pahiyasthe feast of San Isidro Labrador on May 15, celebrated in Lucban, Quezon by decorating the houses with food.  In Madrid, Spain, the same feast is celebrated on the same day, and San Isidro Labrador is also the patron saint of Madrid.
pakoarthyrium esculentum, edible fern
paksiwa dish cooked in vinegar and garlic
paksiw na patapork trotters cooked in vinegar
palayunhusked rice
palayoka round-bottomed clay pot
palitawsmall cakes made from glutinous rice
pan de sal, de limon, de coco, de leche, americano(Spanish) bread respectively with salt, lemon, coconut, and milk; sliced loaf bread
pandanpandanus odoratissimus, screw pine
pangaliterally jaw; the jaw of yellowfin tuna
panghimagasdessert; a sweet taken after meals
pancit, pansita dish of noodles and shrimps, fish, meat, or vegetables, with many variations, e.g., luglog (shaken in hot water, flavored with sauce), molo (with pork-filled wontons and broth), Malabon (with shrimps, oysters, and squid), habhab (eaten off a banana leaf), Canton (with egg noodles), bihon (with rice noodles), buko (with coconut strips instead of noodles)
pansit-pansitanpeperomia pellucida, a scculent herb, the leaves of which have medicinal properties
pantulak, panulakliterally "for pushing"; refers to drinks, which "push" the pulutan down
pasalubonga gift brought home from a trip
pastel de pollo(Spanish) a chicken pie; a dish of chicken with crust
pastillas(Spanish) pastilles; usually pastillas de leche, sweets made of milk
pata tima Chinese dish of stewed pork leg
patisfish sauce
patolaluffa cylindrica, sponge gourd
patupat(Ilokano) a rice cake wrapped in banana leaf
pavo embuchado(Spanish) stuffed turkey
pesang manok
a dish of fish or chicken cooked with vegetables, often served with a miso sauce
pescado en salsa agrio-dulce(Spanish) fish in a sweet and sour sauce
petsaybrassica chinesis, pakchoy, bokchoy
pilicanarium ovatum, a hard nut indigenous to the Philippines, with an oil-rich kernel
pinya, piñapineapple
pimientos morrones(Spanish) red bell peppers
pinaisa dish native to Quezon province, of shrimps and coconut wrapped in banana leaf and steamed in coconut water
pinakbeta dish of Ilokano origin, of ampalaya, okra, eggplants, and tomatoes steamed with fish bagoong
pinamalhan(Ilonggo) fish cooked in vinegar, which is allowed to evaporate
pinapaitan(Ilokano) a dish of goat meat with goat bile
pinaupong manokchicken steamed in a bed of salt
pochero(Spanish) a stew of mixed meats, sausages and vegetables with tomatoes
polvorona sweet of powdery texture made of powdered milk and sugar
postre(Spanish) dessert
pucheroa native stew of meat, sausage and vegetables with an eggplant relish
pulutanany cooked dish (meat, chicken, pork, seafood) taken with beer, wine, liquor during a drinking session; could also be nuts; a pulutuan is similar to Spanish tapas-tapas
punta y pecho(Spanish) beef brisket
pusurice cooked in a fist-sized woven-leaf basket; "travelling" or "hanging" rice
putosteamed rice cake
puto bumbonga cylindrical cake of violet rice (pirurutung) steamed upright in a bamboo tube
queso de bolaEdam ball cheese
relleno(Spanish) stuffed food, dish
rellenong alimasagcrab sauteed and stuffed into the crab shell
rellenong manokstuffed chicken
rellenong bangusmilkfish stuffed with its own flesh that has been sauteed
sa malamigcold drinks sold at streetside
sahogthe shrimps, meat, etc. used to flavor vegetables or noodle dish
salabatginger tea/brew
saluyotcorchorus olitorius, Jew's mallow
sangkestar anise
santolsandoricum koetjape, a fruit with a thick rind and pulp enclosing whitish, furry seeds, sour-sweet in taste
sapin-sapina rice sweet of blanc-mange consistency, made of several layers, usually of different colors
sarten(Spanish) frying pan
sawasnake; python or boa constrictor
sayotesechium edule, chayote, mirliton pear
shawarmaa Middle Eastern snack of sliced meat (beef, lamb, chicken) and condiments served with pita bread
silicapsicum annuum, chili
sinalok(Cebuano) a steamed corned cake eaten with kinilaw
sinampalukang manokchicken cooked with tamarind leaves and sprouts
sinangaggarlic-fried rice
sineguelas, sinegwelasspondias purpurea, Spanish plum
siniganga stew of meat/fish/seafood and vegetables in a sour broth
singkamaspachyrrhizus erosus, yambean
solasi, sulasiocimum sanctum, holy basil
solomillo(Spanish) tenderloin
sotanghon guisadomungbean noodles sauteed with meats and vegetables
suamsoups and dishes made of rice water
suhacitrus grandis, pomelo
sukia vendor from whom one buys regularly; also a regular customer
sumana rice cake from glutinous rice, often wrapped in palm or banana leaves
tabon-tabonhydrophytune orbiculatum, a fruit, the juice of which is used in kinilaw, and for finishing baskets
tagay, tagayan, tagatagayan, tagay-tagaythe measure, the practice, and the one in charge of drinking at a drinking session
tahoa drink made of soybean curd and syrup
tahurisoy bean cake
talbosthe young sprouts or tendrils of squash, camote or sayote plants
tamalesa rice cake flavored with peanuts, pork, eggs, etc. and wrapped in banana leaves
tanghalianthe noon meal; lunch
tangladcymbopogon citratus, lemon grass
tapaslices or strips of dried meat; tapang usa is dried venison
tapey(Manobo) the yeast for making rice wine
tapoi(Igorot) the yeast for making rice wine
tapuy(Igorot) rice wine
tausi, tawsisalted soybeans
tilapiatilapia zili, a fast-growing fish
tinapasmoked fish
tinolang manoka dish of chicked cooked with vegetable (green papaya, chili leaves) and broth
tinowa(Cebuano) a dish of fish and vegetables in a lightly soured broth
tocino(Spanish) salt pork; in Tagalog or Pampango it is sweet cured pork
toge, toguemung bean sprouts
tokwafirm soy bean curd, also fried soy bean curd
torta de cangrejo(Spanish) crabmeat cooked with egg
torta del rey(Spanish) a cake of many thin layers
tortilla de patatas(Spanish) potato omelet
tubapalm toddy
tupig(Ilocano) a kind of rice cake wrapped in banana leaves
turo-turoan eatery in which the pre-cooked foods are laid out, and chosen by pointing (turo)
turona fried spring roll, either meat, vegetable, or banana; turong saging (deep fried banana fritter) is usually cooked in oil with brown sugar and some jackfruit strips, and a typical snack or dessert in the Philippines
turron(Spanish) nougat
tuyowhole fish, dried and salted
ubodthe core of the coconut palm; heart of palm
ukoya vegetable patty, of mixed vegetables, or of flour and vegetables; a variation is a combination of shrimps, tofu, and vegetable patty
ulamviand, the main dish that comes with rice
ulangustacidae, crayfish; also macrobrachium rosenbergii, giant freshwater prawn
upolagenaria leucantha, bottle gourd
wansoycorindrium sativum, coriander leaf

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